My son has been getting into cooking lately and has developed quite the palette. I made burgers for dinner one night, and wanted to spruce them up a bit, so I asked Nathan to come up with a paleo burger sauce using some mayonnaise that I had made. He came up with this, and it was delicious!

Since then we’ve used it on a lot more than burgers. It’s great as a dip for sweet potato fries, roasted carrots, or other veggies. It’s kind of like thousand island dressing without the pickle relish, and it’s great with almost everything!

1 cup of organic mayo*
1/3 cup organic, low-sugar ketchup
Hot sauce to taste
Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate leftover for up to a week.
*I recommend Primal Kitchen, Chosen Foods, or homemade.
After you’ve tried the recipe, share your pics! Tag me on Instagram @cindy.hilliard.nutrition
Also try my Poblano Cream Sauce. It’s great on all things Mexican!

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